Dental Insurance

This annual program is billed on a per-semester basis, with the fall semester running from August 1 through January 31, and the spring semester from February 1 through July 31.

Graduate Students

All regular, full-time graduate students are automatically enrolled in the dental insurance, charged the $95.00/semester fee, and can access an insurance card once enrolled on the Delta Dental Member Portal. Any graduate student not automatically enrolled may contact the Student Health Center (by September 1 in the fall semester, or February 1 in the spring) to enroll.

Any graduate student who would like to waive the dental insurance MUST request a dental waiver on the Insurance Enrollment/Waiver Portal, documenting proof of existing dental insurance by September 1 for the fall semester.  Spring semester waivers, which have a deadline of February 1, are only applicable to new graduate students entering during a spring semester.

Undergraduate Students

All undergraduate students are eligible to enroll in the voluntary, undergraduate dental insurance plan. The charge is $265/semester. To enroll, log on to the Insurance Enrollment/Waiver Portal no later than September 1.

Family/Dependent Coverage for Graduate Students

Graduate students who wish to enroll a spouse or dependent child in the dental insurance program must enroll in the Insurance Enrollment/Waiver Portal by September 1 for the fall semester and February 1 for new spring semester students only.


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